Sunday 23 November 2014

Looking Ahead

Thorin Oakenshield: Where did you go, if I may ask?
Gandalf: To look ahead.

It’s 11:41. Just two hours and 19 minutes before I leave to the airport.

Sometimes you start on something that takes a while. Like my knitted night sky blanket which took about a year to finish, or my trip to New Zealand; for about a year I was that one girl who was someday going to New Zealand. And now I am actually going.
The same thing counts for my blog. We’re in the last week of November, and then by the time I return to work (I took the liberty of taking a few more days off) it’ll be the last week of December. And then this challenge will be over.

I really enjoy doing this challenge. It gives me a sense of pride, something I can show people, something to prove my worth. Look how much I read. Look at it.
I’ll be the last to say I have a large audience- in about 11 months’ time I got a whopping 1178 views- But there’s still a huge sense of accomplishment in that I did post every week, and did another monthly blogpost as well. That’s about 60 posts, people!

I don’t want to give this all up. But I also don’t want to continue this challenge- I want to finally take my time reading the bigger books, like Murakami’s 1q84, and that Sir Doyle’s collected work that has been winking at me from my bookcase for months now.
So I’m going to change the format.
Next year, this place is going to change. It might even move- I don’t know yet. No more book-a-week, but maybe ‘best of this month’? I’ve also been thinking about making podcast episodes about reading, writing and books with my darling friends from creative writing. But I’m not sure if I can pull that off, what with microphone equipment and everything. Still, it’s nice to dream about these things.
What I am sure of is that this place won’t be abandoned. It’s going to be prettier, it’s going to be multi-functional, with multi-media, creative, innovative, and just all-around bookish.

I love it already.

Until next time,


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